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What about the children?

Family-Fun-202x300 How would kids be impacted by homosexual ‘marriage’? Well there are multiple answers to this question. That's because it's not just the children of homosexual parents impacted but potentially every child in the education system. ______________________________________________ In the first instance, commentators such as Bill Muehlenberg, secretary of the Family Council of...
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Same sex marriage: is public opinion a moral value?

Published in ONLINE OPINION on the 6th of December 2010 By Max Atkinson - a former senior lecturer of the Law School, University of Tasmania, with Interests in legal and moral philosophy, especially issues to do with rights, values, justice and punishment. He is an occasional contributor to theTasmanian Times. *** One can learn a good...
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Dismantling a homosexual marriage myth

By Bill Muehlenberg is Secretary of the Family Council of Victoria, and lectures in ethics and philosophy at various Melbourne theological colleges. Published in ONLINE OPINION, 25 November 2010 A so-called conservative writer parroted some silly arguments for same-sex marriage in the Sunday Age recently. He finishes by saying that marriage is a good thing (which...
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Marriage is not just a social construct, but a cultural universal.

How evolutionary biologists acknowledge that male-female bonding in lasting pairs was the critical step in human evolution and is something built into us by nature... Marriage reinforces and disciplines human biology, in the interests of society. Marriage in Australia is defined in law as “The union of one woman and one man, voluntarily entered into for life”....
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After homosexual ‘marriage’ …what comes next?

The slippery slope argument is a strong one in this debate. If marriage is no longer one man, one woman for life, then any number of alternatives seem to be possible. If homosexuals can argue that a loving committed relationship should qualify anyone for the institution of marriage, then other equally binding and loving unions should...
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Gay activists promise not to abuse opponents of gay marriage

January 31st 2010 Gay activists promise not to abuse opponents of gay marriage, provided opponents of gay marriage agree with the case for gay marriage! Comment: They will be nice if we just agree that gay marriage is “not going to undermine marriage, family or religion”! No deal. Let’s both be civil – but we say gay marriage...
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What’s happening now to defend natural marriage

January 31st 2010 Breaking story at ACL website re gay thought-police intimidating opposition opinion: Online Opinion editor Graham Young said he and his advertisers were “under attack” and being intimidated by “gay activists” because “we dared to publish” a piece which was “mostly a pastiche of comments by gay activists”. Read more… ...
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