Category Archives: Censorship


Here is a class act from NSW Finance Minister Dominic Perottet. Why not drop him a line of thanks at (excerpt) Mr Speaker – something is very wrong with our political system when a belief held for over 2000 years by a Christian church can now of all a sudden be judged ‘hateful’ by some faceless...
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Swept under the carpet

[AN IMPORTANT ARTICLE POSTED AT MERCATORNET]   Australian research from the 1990s has emerged as key evidence in the debate about same-sex parenting. The constant refrain from supporters has been that there is no difference in outcomes for children in traditional marriages or same-sex couples. In 2010 Judge Vaughn Walker struck down a voter-approved constitutional referendum in California,...
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Now a former PM is trying to intimidate us!

Gillard pointingThis morning we read that former Prime Minister Julia Gillard is taking "legal advice" about our second TV ad, 'Motherless Generation'. See coverage HERE. If this lawyer and seasoned politician thinks that some legal sabre-rattling is going to make AMF roll up into a ball, she...
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