Category Archives: Same Sex Marriage

FACT CHECK – Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Won’t affect Anyone

On Tuesday 2 August, ABC's The Drum showed their bias by presenting a half hour debate on same-sex “marriage” with just one supporter of traditional marriage, ACL's Lyle Shelton, up against a stacked panel of four SSM advocates. Hardly what any reasonable person would call a fair debate. Regardless, Lyle presented a strong case for maintaining the current definition...
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SMH publishes AMF response to questions on ‘marriage equality’

What is Australian Marriage Forum's opposition to same-sex marriage based on? The heart of our opposition to same-sex 'marriage' is that such an institution would deliberately deprive future children of either their mother or their father, and that is an injustice we should never contemplate. It hurts children if we break the bond with their mother...
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Swept under the carpet

[AN IMPORTANT ARTICLE POSTED AT MERCATORNET]   Australian research from the 1990s has emerged as key evidence in the debate about same-sex parenting. The constant refrain from supporters has been that there is no difference in outcomes for children in traditional marriages or same-sex couples. In 2010 Judge Vaughn Walker struck down a voter-approved constitutional referendum in California,...
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After homosexual ‘marriage’ …what comes next?

The slippery slope argument is a strong one in this debate. If marriage is no longer one man, one woman for life, then any number of alternatives seem to be possible. If homosexuals can argue that a loving committed relationship should qualify anyone for the institution of marriage, then other equally binding and loving unions should...
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