Category Archives: Gender theory

Why these mums are right to be worried

This week the Coalition for Marriage launched its tv campaign, alerting parents to the little known consequences of redefining marriage. Not surprisingly, the first commercial was met by backlash and faux outrage from SSM Activists, who claim the statements made by these mums are ‘ridiculous.’ What’s ‘ridiculous’ is that...
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Say NO to Woolworths

Parents are being warned to avoid shopping with small children at Woolworths on Friday 25 August, when staff will be ‘celebrating sexuality’ for Wear it Purple Day. “Wear it Purple Day embraces and celebrates sexuality, sex and gender diversity.” Mel Smith from the NSW Teachers’ Federation. Common sense says that the dairy section isn’t the appropriate place to...
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SSM Activists Are Bullies and Big Brands are Looking Bad

Alan Joyce is already looking a bit silly. He's thrown the support of Qantas behind the 'Yes' campaign, along with a bunch of big brands but those representing their 'brands' on the 'Yes' side of the debate are doing their best to destroy them. SSM Activists have encouraged their supporters to send 'glitter and other noxious...
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E-BOOK: Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’

Dr David van Gend’s best-selling book is now available on Kindle and iBook for about $10. This format means the AMF president’s wealth of research – over 400 footnotes – is just a click away. With the national postal vote on marriage now upon us, every thinking Australian needs to read this powerful and moving book. “Compelling” –...
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Still Think Redefining Marriage Won’t Affect You?

A lot has changed in the USA and Canada since the gender diversity requirement was removed from marriage. Claims that the change wouldn’t really “change” anything have been quickly proven wrong. Perhaps the most startling change of all has been just how quickly basic freedoms have been removed from the general population. Freedom of speech, freedom of trade,...
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Farewell Ladies and Gentlemen

Today, it’s impossible to catch a Qantas plane, or a London train, without being subjected to LGBTQ propaganda. Unsuspecting users of the London Underground were recently blinded by rainbow colours as transport bosses announced the ban on Ladies and Gentlemen. According to The Australian: “It has been the formal way of addressing an audience...
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Why We Can’t Afford to Lose the Fight for Family

The fight for family began long before the wheels were put in motion to perpetrate the final blow. The degendering of marriage tears down the final bastion for children that guaranteed their chance at a family with both a biological mum and a biological dad. This bastion grants them their full identity, the most primal...
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The End Game for Rainbow Activists

The inevitable has happened. An 8- month-old baby boy in Canada has been issued a health card with a "U" in place of “M” or “F” in the space for "sex.” The “genderless” baby is in the care of parent (non-binary transgender person) Kori Doty, who, according to BBC News aims to allow...
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More Revelations of Intolerance from SSM Activists

It’s been another big week in the marriage debate. Around the world, the fallout from countries that have legalised same-sex marriage is becoming more and more evident and the future of freedoms in these countries is looking bleak. According to Huffington Post: "California has banned state employees from traveling on official business to...
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