Category Archives: Marriage Australia

The Perils of Redefining Marriage

November 24th 2010 - Eureka Street Australian human rights lawyer, Frank Brennan, makes the child-centred case against gay marriage: “I think we can ensure non-discrimination against same sex couples while at the same time maintaining a commitment to children of future generations being born of and being reared by a father and a mother.” Read more…...
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Gay Lobby Intolerance article

November 21st 2010 - The Daily Telegraph SMH journalist Miranda Devine condemns the aggressive intolerance of the gay lobby: "The debate has been conducted with such intimidatory venom that anyone who speaks against gay marriage is crucified as an evil homophobe or religious extremist." Read more…...
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“Leave the demands on the shelf”

November 20th 2010 Homosexual commentator and journalist for the Australian, Christopher Pearson, argues that gay marriage proposals should be left on the shelf: “Labor's reforms in the last parliament mean that couples are treated pretty much equally except in the matter of marriage. But the few remaining privileges reserved for matrimony are there for sound, practical reasons...”...
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Same-sex marriage hurts kids

November 16th 2010 Family doctor, David van Gend, gets to the heart of opposition to gay marriage: “Homosexual people are not second-class citizens but a gay man certainly makes a second-class mother. Two lesbian women may be model citizens, but neither of them can be a dad to a little boy.” Read more…...
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