
Nature’s Job Description for Marriage and Family

Here's a short talk by the AMF President to a congregation of 250 at Castle Hill Baptist (with all 100 books sold) a few weeks back: "That is nature's job description for marriage and family - and two men, or two women, need not apply..." [embed][/embed] Over 8,000 copies sold! Don't forget to get your signed copy...
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New Lessons Learned from Overseas

There are so many reasons to love living in Australia, one of which is the fact that we are amongst the vast majority of countries where genderless marriage is illegal. It means we have the benefit of watching the fallout in countries where marriage has been degendered. Here are some recent developments… In the UK - Once...
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Don't say we didn't tell you: "For if we redefine marriage we redefine parenting and we redefine family" - the first paragraph of the AMF President's new book. Words like "mother" and "father" exclude and offend genderless couples and must be rendered gender neutral. This week, the inevitable working out of this legal logic is confirmed again...
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‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ Are Redundant in Ontario

Genderless Marriage was legalised in Canada in 2005. Soon, babies born in Ontario will no longer be able to look at their Birth Certificate as a statement of biological fact, but rather a record of the adults ‘hanging around’ at the time that they were born. Ontario’s government is about to remove the terms “mother” and...
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What if Marriage is About More Than Love?

Wise words from Lucy Wicks MP, federal member for Robertson NSW. She points out that, as an ideal, we should keep marriage as a structure that gives children both a mother and father.... That is exactly what marriage does. And that is exactly what 'same-sex marriage' prevents. Why does such a common-sense statement now sound so...
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As we reach one month since the launch of Dr David van Gend's book, STEALING FROM A CHILD: THE INJUSTICE OF 'MARRIAGE EQUALITY', we have reached 5,000 sales. That makes the book a 'best seller', of sorts - despite the ideological ban by the printer, and the 'silent treatment' by major media. Thank you everyone...
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