Category Archives: Marriage Plebiscite

It’s happening!

Australians will get have their say on same-sex/Transgender marriage... The postal vote will go ahead - it will be hard, with so much money and media backing the other side, but there is hope: - that Australians will keep marriage a man-woman thing, so that children can have their chance of a mum AND a dad. - that...
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Father’s Day ad Ban Proves Marriage and Parenting are Intrinsically Linked

All this time Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Advocates have been telling us that marriage has nothing to do with family or parenting. They almost had many well-meaning Australians fooled. But it all unravelled for them this week, when a heart-warming TV Commercial celebrating Father’s Day was banned from FreeTV. In case there was any doubt as to the...
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Father’s Day is Cancelled

Last week, Neil Mitchell revealed that a kindergarten in Melbourne’s northwest has renamed Father’s Day “special person’s day” to avoid offending children with same-sex parents. Ruby Red Scarlet heads up ‘Social Justice in Early Childhood’ and she said: “If we think about children’s rights and how they get to participate in a community and feel...
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Why these mums are right to be worried

This week the Coalition for Marriage launched its tv campaign, alerting parents to the little known consequences of redefining marriage. Not surprisingly, the first commercial was met by backlash and faux outrage from SSM Activists, who claim the statements made by these mums are ‘ridiculous.’ What’s ‘ridiculous’ is that...
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Say NO to Woolworths

Parents are being warned to avoid shopping with small children at Woolworths on Friday 25 August, when staff will be ‘celebrating sexuality’ for Wear it Purple Day. “Wear it Purple Day embraces and celebrates sexuality, sex and gender diversity.” Mel Smith from the NSW Teachers’ Federation. Common sense says that the dairy section isn’t the appropriate place to...
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Enrol NOW to Vote ‘No’

The future of marriage in Australia depends on your vote. But you can only have your say if you're enrolled to vote with the Australian Electoral Commission by August 24th. Voting forms will be posted on September 12th to it's important your address details are up-to-date on the electoral role. Once you have received the form, you...
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SSM Activists Are Bullies and Big Brands are Looking Bad

Alan Joyce is already looking a bit silly. He's thrown the support of Qantas behind the 'Yes' campaign, along with a bunch of big brands but those representing their 'brands' on the 'Yes' side of the debate are doing their best to destroy them. SSM Activists have encouraged their supporters to send 'glitter and other noxious...
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Why We Can’t Afford to Lose the Fight for Family

The fight for family began long before the wheels were put in motion to perpetrate the final blow. The degendering of marriage tears down the final bastion for children that guaranteed their chance at a family with both a biological mum and a biological dad. This bastion grants them their full identity, the most primal...
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The March Towards Degendering Society

Just one year after redefining marriage, Colombia's first three-man marriage has been legally recognized and the “Slippery Slope” theory is now officially fact. One of the three men, actor Victor Hugo Prada said: “This establishes us as a family, a polyamorous family.” It confirms what we have known all along: Once you strip a...
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